Hybrid-Workshop on Well Integrity

Location: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Campus South, Building 11.40, Room 214 and hybrid (online)
Date: 26th-27th June 2024

Well integrity in relation to underground gas (hydrogen) storage

Borehole integrity is a critical aspect of underground storage for gases such as natural gas and hydrogen. Maintaining the integrity of boreholes, which are drilled holes in the Earth's crust for storage purposes, is essential to prevent leaks, ensure safety and protect the environment. Hydrogen storage, in particular, may present unique challenges due to hydrogen's small molecule size and its potential to embrittle certain materials. Therefore, careful consideration of material selection and design is critical for maintaining borehole integrity in hydrogen storage applications. this workshop aims to discuss borehole integrity for gas wells, leakage issues, monitoring, other risks of gas (methane, CO2, H2) storage. Lets come together for a two-day workshop on:

  • Wellbore integrity causes and effects
  • Borehole integrity monitoring and management
  • Borehole leakage experimentation and modeling
  • Risks of gas storage and remendation
  • Underground gas storage with attention on hydrogen storage
Invited Speakers
  • Andrzej Wojtanowicz, Lousiana State University, US
  • Natalie Pekney, National Energy Technology Laboratory, US
  • Lingping Zeng, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia
  • Elaheh Arjomand, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia
  • Jan Lillie, Federal Association for Natural Gas, Crude Oil and Geoenergy, Germany
26th June 2024
Time Topic Speaker
14:00-14:10 Welcome SAMUH2 Frank Schilling (KIT)
14:10-14:30 Techno-economic analysis of underground hydrogen storage in Europe Mayukh Talukdar (KIT)
14:30-14:50 Overview of the global well leakage management Marcel Schulz (KIT)
14:50-15:20 Improved testing and remediation methods for well integrity management Andrzej Wojtanowicz (LSU)
15:20-15:45 Coffee break  
15:45-16:15 Discussion Philipp Blum (KIT)
16:15-16:45 Methane emissions in oil and gas wells along with well engineering risks Natalie Pekney (NETL)
16:35-17:00 Closing remarks Frank Schilling (KIT)

Dinner: 19:00 at Lehners Wirtshaus, Karlstraße 21a, Karlsruhe.

27th June 2024
Time Topic Speaker
9:00-9:30 Storage integrity during hydrogen storage Lingping Zeng (CSIRO)
9:30-10:00 Advancing fracture sealing materials to mitigate CO2 emission from geological storage Elaheh Arjomand (CSIRO)
10:00-10:30 Tiefbohrverordnung (BVOT) in Germany Jan Lillie (BVEG)
10:30-11:00 Coffee  
11:00-11:30 Discussion Frank Schilling (KIT)
11:30-12:00 World café Mayukh Talukdar (KIT)
12:00-12:10 Closing remarks Philipp Blum (KIT)

Lunch: 12:30 at Pizzahaus, Rintheimer Straße 2, Karlsruhe.

For queries, please contact Mayukh Talukdar (mayukh.talukdar∂kit.edu).